Using Routify as a reverse proxy

Learn how to use Routify as a reverse proxy to route incoming requests to different backend services based on the request URL.

Hakan Shehu

April 18, 2024

Using Routify as a reverse proxy

Routify is a serverless API Gateway that allows you to build, deploy, and manage APIs with ease. It is designed to be simple to use and easy to understand, so you can focus on building great APIs without worrying about the infrastructure.

A reverse proxy is a type of server that sits between a client and the backend servers, acting as an intermediary for requests directed to those servers. It is called "reverse" because it proxies on behalf of the servers rather than the client, which is the role of a regular (or forward) proxy. Here’s a brief overview of what a reverse proxy does:

Key Functions

Load Balancing

A reverse proxy can distribute incoming requests evenly across multiple backend servers to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, promote availability, and minimize response time. This helps in handling more traffic and in scaling the services efficiently.

Web Acceleration

Reverse proxies can compress inbound and outbound data and cache content to speed up load time for clients. They often also handle SSL/TLS encryption (HTTPS), which offloads a significant computational burden from the backend servers.

Security and Anonymity

By hiding the true backend server identities, a reverse proxy protects them from direct external access, which enhances security against attacks such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service). It can also implement additional security measures such as firewall functionalities and intrusion detection systems.

SSL Termination

The reverse proxy can decrypt incoming requests and encrypt responses so that traffic between the proxy and backend servers can be conducted over an unencrypted channel, reducing load on the backend servers’ resources.

Content Caching

It can cache outgoing web content to quicken response times for similar future requests. This is particularly beneficial for static content like images and stylesheets.


Reducing the size of the data being transferred between the client and the server to speed up load times for users and decrease bandwidth costs.


  • Improved Performance: By distributing the load, caching content, and handling compression, reverse proxies can significantly enhance web service performance.
  • Enhanced Security: They add an extra layer of security by preventing direct access to backend servers and can integrate additional security services.
  • Increased Scalability: By managing connections and employing load-balancing services, they can effectively scale in an environment with fluctuating traffic.

Use Cases

Reverse proxies are extensively used in website infrastructure to manage traffic and protect backend servers. They are suitable for organizations that need to ensure high availability and security for their web applications, such as e-commerce platforms and corporate websites.

Overall, reverse proxies play a critical role in network architecture by improving security, manageability, and performance outcomes for web services.

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